Mexican restaurants are so popular that you can find them in just about every town, city, and state on the map, but where can one find the BEST Mexican-inspired cuisine across the United States?
We're glad you asked.
We've scoured the Internet for the best Mexican restaurants in the country, and you do not want to miss out on this Nebraska establishment's enchiladas, burritos, tacos, quesadillas, and fajitas among other delectable dishes sure to put a smile on your face and silence the hungry grumble of your stomach.
According to a list compiled by LoveFood, the best Mexican restaurant in all of Nebraska is Agave Azteca in Omaha. This restaurant was praised for their delicious deserts and table-side guacamole.
Here's what LoveFood had to say about the absolute best Mexican restaurant in the entire state:
"Omaha’s Agave Azteca offers traditional dishes – and lots of them. The comprehensive menu reads like an encyclopedia of Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine, so there’s pretty much something for everyone. Standout dishes include the tableside guacamole, the superlative salsa, and the fajitas. Meanwhile, noteworthy desserts include the tres leches cake and the fried ice cream. People also love the eye-catching decor: the walls are adorned with murals and plenty of bold colors."
For a continued list of the best Mexican restaurants across the country visit Lovefood's latest list and check out our previous coverage of the best Mexican restaurant in Nebraska.