Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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These 5 questions should be answered if you are thinking about having kids

Family of four

Photo: Eric Hood / Photodisc / Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

How do you know if you're ready to have children? 

Choosing whether to become a parent is one of the most important decisions you can make in life. Psyche has a comprehensive guide to help you address key factors with exercises like listing your internal and external fears (age, finances, fear of regret, etc.); spending a day or two acting as if you’ve made the decision, then pretending the opposite; and asking yourself what it would take for you to say yes. The Skimm also suggests asking these five questions:

  1. Do I truly want the day-to-day of being a parent?
  2. Would parenthood fit my identity and lifestyle?
  3. What would it take for me to say “yes” to being child-free or “yes” to being a parent?
  4. What do I value most? Would being a parent (or remaining child-free) compromise those values?
  5. What are my reasons for having a child?

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