Photo: Images By Tang Ming Tung / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Photo Credit: Getty Images
After a long winter with lots of time indoors, we’re ready for the warmer weather and evenings with more light. That extra daylight time at the end of the day is ideal for family time, but it doesn’t just have to be fun for the kiddos.
Lauren Miller, a mom on Instagram, recently posted a video that’s gone viral about the “wine walks” she and her husband take. They fill travel cups with wine, then sip and talk as they push their baby around the neighborhood in a stroller. It’s a simple pleasure, but it doesn’t have to be boozy, a wine walk could easily be “milkshake moseys” or even “cheese treks” - where you snack on some tasty cheeses as you walk.
Here are some other ideas for fun family evenings that the grown-ups will enjoy as much as the kids:
- Inflatable pool nightcaps - When it’s warm enough for your kids to be splashing in their inflatable pool all afternoon, let the whole family get in on the fun in the evening. The adults can talk and enjoy a beverage of choice, or you can turn it into a pool time story hour and read to the little ones.
- Cocktail croquet - This one’s better for older kids since toddlers aren’t great at lawn sports, and you can play anything your family enjoys, and the cocktails are optional.
- Drive-in and drinks - Hang up a big white sheet, pick up a projector and play a movie in the backyard. Pop some popcorn, grab some juice boxes for the kids and maybe a beer for the grown-ups and relax with a fun activity that takes very little effort on your part.
- Playground picnic - Pack up a picnic dinner, or even just some snacks or dessert, and head to the local park to dine in the great outdoors. Invite some neighborhood friends to play with and let the little ones run around and get all that energy out. You’ll get to socialize with the adults and even better - when you get home the kids will be exhausted and ready for bed.
Source: Scary Mommy